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The RCV invites you to visit 2021 Project High Holiday resource Site

Visit to find numerous resources to help make your High Holiday experience a meaningful and enjoyable one.

We understand these are very challenging, uncertain and anxious times and we hope this site will provide some guidance, inspiration and reassurance throughout this period.

There are many events being hosted by our members’ congregations as well as some major communal events that have been arranged and we encourage you to join us for those that interest you.

The RCV Rabbis and Rebbetzins are available to assist you in any way we can and if you are seeking support please feel free to reach out and we will connect you with one of our members.

We take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Shana Tova Umektuka, may Hashem inscribe and seal each and every one of us in the Book of Life, good health, peace and fulfilment.



© RCV (Rabbinical Council of Victoria Inc) 

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