RCV Rabbis and Rebbetzins Learn about PGD

Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) Rabbis and Rebbetzins gathered to hear Rabbi Elisha Greenbaum, Rabbinic coordinator of Shifra (who provide supervision of fertility services for the Jewish community) present on the interface between PGD (preimplantation Genetic diagnosis) and Jewish Law.
Attendees were fascinated to learn about recent advances in fertility treatments and the various perspectives of Halacha towards helping couples to give birth to healthy children without attendant genetic disorders.
President, Rabbi Daniel Rabin commented on the training. "The RCV continues to offer its member Rabbis and Rebbetzins topics that assist them in leading their communities.
Rabbi Greenbaum provided great insight into the Halachik aspects of PGD as well as the various sensitivities that are involved with couples seeking or undergoing fertility treatment. This will be of great benefit to any Rabbi or Rebbetzin when offering support to couples during this time."
A RCV Special General Meeting was held immediately following the training where the Rabbis had the opportunity to discuss important matters of communal interest such as a pilot program for an orthodox marriage registry system in Victoria being trialled by the Melbourne Beth Din.