Statement by The RCV on Asylum Seekers
The Rabbinical Council of Victoria notes with compassion the plight of the many thousands of asylum seekers who have sought refugee status in Australia.
We are particularly concerned about the psychological and physical welfare of the group of 267 currently in mainland Australia, who face the prospect of being returned to Nauru.
We recognise the moral, practical and legal complexities of the situation, and urge the government of Australia to act with empathy and compassion and do everything within its power to care for and minimise the trauma on these most vulnerable people.
We similarly call on the government to ensure the safety and security, as well as the physical and mental well-being, of all those who have applied for refugee status and protection and to act as a matter of utmost urgency in streamlining the procedure and time it takes to assess such claims and offer asylum to all those in genuine need.
We pray for peace and security throughout the world.
For further information contact the Executive Director RCV,