RCV Rabbis and Rebbetzins undertake Leadership Training Course
Rabbis and Rebbetzins of the Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) partook in a four session Leadership Training course, facilitated by Ernie Schwartz of Red Sky Group and hosted at Caulfield Shule.
The training sessions focussed on topics such as influencing others, relationship building, persuasive messages and getting the best out of colleagues and staff.

Ernie commented “It was a wonderful experience working with the Rabbis and Rebbetzins. While I wasn’t surprised by their thirst for knowledge, I was particularly impressed by their constant desire to focus on the practical aspects of leadership in their efforts for the community. It was here where the learning came to life”.
Rabbi Greenbaum, Secretary of the RCV said “The course was extremely well presented and the skills learnt will prove most useful in our future communal endeavours.”
The RCV is very grateful to the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship for facilitating such valuable training and looks forward to continuing this partnership in the further.
For further information contact: Executive Director at executive@rcv.org.au
Postal Address: PO Box 192 Balaclava, St Kilda East VIC 3183
T: 0425 808 789 E: executive@rcv.org.au W: www.rcv.org.au
President: Rabbi Mordechai Gutnick Executive Director: Rachel Mihalovich