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Chabad Malvern achieves ACF Accreditation
Congratulations to Chabad Malvern, the first shule to achieve accreditation from Australian Childhood Foundation as part of RCV’s Child...

RCV Rebbetzins Undertake Presentation Skills Training
Rebbetzins of the Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) recently attended multiple training sessions on freeing the natural voice for...
RCV Statement on Recent Video
The Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) expresses concern and distress at a recent video which has appeared in local and international...
RCV Statement about visiting Scholar Steven Greenberg
Members of the RCV reaffirm Judaism’s commitment to make every Jew, no matter their personal practice or proclivities, comfortable and...

Rebbetzins attend Marriage Preparation Course Training
Last week over 30 Rebbetzins of the Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) and Kalla (bride) teachers attended an exclusive marriage...
RCV Statement on Proposed Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
Recognising that the issue of end of life care and palliative care are emotionally fraught and with a great sense of empathy and...
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